Katie Turlington Katie Turlington

Zac's famous Chilli Sweet recipe

Nope, it's not a mistake.. Zac call's this recipe "Chilli Sweet" instead of "Sweet Chilli" for a very good reason — this sauce recipe really packs a punch!

Think of it like a sweet chilli sauce, but using a mixture of super hot chilli. Zac's Chilli Sweet recipe is super simple and will have your taste buds tingling (literally). It also makes a fantastic present, we usually gift numerous bottles of the sauce for Christmas.

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Katie Turlington Katie Turlington

Germinating Seeds 101: The Basics

Germinating seeds can seem a little daunting if you've never tried it before. Sometimes it seems easier to grab a few seedlings from the local hardware store — they're already growing so they'll be easier to care for, right? This can be true. However, starting your own plants from seeds is not only significantly cheaper, but it also means that there is a much wider variety of plants you can grow.

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Katie Turlington Katie Turlington

What is The Aussie Seed Shed and why does it matter?

There was never a long-term plan to launch The Aussie Seed Shed. In fact, when we started (or sometimes still) The Aussie Seed Shed seemed so farfetched. Developing The Aussie Seed Shed was a whole lot of hard work but we are so glad that we're here (and like I said, we're glad you're here too!).

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Katie Turlington Katie Turlington

Is soil pH really that important in my backyard garden?

Soil pH is a crucial factor in gardening because it affects many aspects of plant growth and health. The pH level of the soil determines the availability of essential nutrients that plants need to grow, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. If the pH level is too high or too low, some nutrients may become unavailable to plants, even if they are present in the soil. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies and poor plant growth.

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Katie Turlington Katie Turlington

How to preserve your chilli harvest

Chilli plants are usually extremely high-yielding. Sure, you can add loads of chilli to each of your meals or you can give bags of them away to your friends, family, and neighbours — but what else can you do with all your fresh homegrown chillies? In our 3m by 5m garden we grow 13 different varieties of chilli, so we have come up with ways to use our chilli harvest besides adding fresh chilli to our meals. Check out the different ways you can use your chilli harvest below!

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Katie Turlington Katie Turlington

Australian Climate Zone Planting Guide

Identifying your climate zone is an important aspect of backyard gardening. Climate zones can help you plan when to sow seeds, what varieties perform well in your region, the length of your growing season, when to harvest your crop, and what curve-balls you may experience along your journey. You may have more success in your garden by growing varieties that are in season and suited to your region.

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Katie Turlington Katie Turlington

Cool Climate Zone Planting Calendar

Cool climates are characterised by mild summer but cold and bitter winters, with very little humidity. Cool climates experience heavy frosts, and in some regions, heavy snow. Cool climates usually only get a short spring and summer growing season (depending on the soil temperature). However, cool climates can grow winter varieties for longer than other climate zones.

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Katie Turlington Katie Turlington

Temperate Climate Zone Planting Calendar

Temperate climates can experience warm (but not overly hot) summers. In comparison to other climate zones, winter in temperate climates can be mild. These areas are generally not overly humid and they receive consistent rainfall throughout the year. Temperate climates can experience light frost throughout the inland areas, but this is usually not the case in the coastal areas (but still possible).

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Katie Turlington Katie Turlington

Arid Climate Zone Planting Calendar

Arid climates are generally characterising central Australia. These areas can experience the extremes on both ends of the scale. Summer can be quite hot and dry. The climate during winter will change depending on how far your location is from the equator. Northern arid climates can experience warm winters. Southern arid climates can experience bitter cold winters. Drought is common in these areas. These areas can often experience high evaporation rates.

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Katie Turlington Katie Turlington

Subtropical Climate Zone Planting Calendar

Subtropical climates are considered mild compared to other regions of Australia, as they do not tend to experience the "extremes" as severely as other zones. Subtropical climates have wet summers with high humidity. Winter is usually mild with minimal rainfall. Subtropical climates are unlikely to experience frosts.

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Katie Turlington Katie Turlington

Tropical Climate Zone Planting Calendar

Tropical climates are characterised by hot and wet summers with high humidity. These regions tend to have high temperatures throughout the entire year compared to other regions of Australia. Tropical regions generally get no frost in winter.

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Katie Turlington Katie Turlington

What seeds can I sow in my garden right now?

Deciding what seeds to sow and when can be confusing. There are a number of variables to consider when deciding on what and when to sow. Sowing seeds in line with your climate zone can take some of the guesswork out of your gardening schedule. Check out our sowing guides — customised for each month in your climate zone.

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