Celery — Tall Utah seeds


Tall Utah Celery is a tall but compact medium-green celery variety with crisp, ribbed stalks. Tall Utah Celery plants can grow up to 80cm high, with the stalks growing around 25cm long. This variety of celery produces good hearts and a solid roots system, and is resistant to most diseases. It is important to note that in some climates, cold weather can cause Tall Utah Celery to bolt. Tall Utah Celery can be planted in full sun or partial-shade, but make sure the soil is well-draining and moist. Don't forget — you can harvest the outside stalks of the celery while you wait for the plant to reach full maturity!

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Apium graveolens | 75 seeds per packet

Sow seeds directly into your garden bed or pots approximately 3mm deep or raise seedlings. Leave around 30cm between Tall Utah Celery plants and around 50cm between rows of Tall Utah Celery. Keep soil moist (but not soggy!). Ideally, sow seeds when the temperature is between 21 to 26°C. Germination occurs within 14 to 21 days. Transplant your Tall Utah Celery seedlings out when they are between 5 to 10cm tall. Tall Utah Celery reach full maturity after approximately 120 to 150 days.

Cool Climates: September to December

Temperate Climates: September to February

Arid Climates: May to June

Subtropical Climates: March to October

Tropical Climates: April to September