Coriander — Eureka


Eureka Coriander, also known as "Cilantro" or "Chinese Parsley" is an annual aromatic herb that can grow up to 50cm tall. The entire Eureka Coriander plant is edible — including the leaves, stems, roots, and seeds. Add the leaves and stems to a pasta dish, sauce, dip, or simply eat them fresh. Harvest and dry the seeds to use whole or grind up as a spice. Eureka Coriander is a slower bolting variety, meaning it is one of the better varieties for growing in the heat. Eureka Coriander can be planted in full sun to part shade, but make sure you keep your coriander out of the direct afternoon sun to be safe.

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Coriandrum sativum | 100 seeds per packet

This product has been treated with thiram. Thiram treated seeds are safe to plant and produce crop from. Do not consume the treated seeds.

Sow seeds directly into your garden bed or pots approximately 6mm deep, leaving around 20cm between Eureka Coriander seeds. Leave approximately 20cm between rows of Eureka Coriander. Keep soil moist (but not soggy!). Ideally, sow seeds when the temperature is between 18 to 21°C. Germination occurs within 7 to 10 days. Eureka Coriander reach full maturity within 50 to 70 days.

*Sowing times may vary depending on your climate. See our planting guide for Eureka Coriander below.

Cool Climates: September to December

Temperate Climates: August to November and March to April

Arid Climates: March to October

Subtropical Climates: March to October

Tropical Climates: March to May and August to September