No Patience Seed Variety Pack


If you're like us and you love gardening, but you also check your plants for growth every 30 minutes... then you will love this variety of seeds! 

This variety pack features fast growing and early maturing vegetables. This quick turnaround time of these seeds is rewarding to see and will have your garden productive in no time! Also great for getting the kiddies involved in the garden and in sighting that 'wow' factor.

Our No Patience Variety Seed Pack includes 10 seed varieties that are fast growing and early maturing:

1 x Beit Alpha Cucumber  

1 x Paris Market Carrots

1 x Cherokee Wax Beans 

1 x Genova Basil

1 x Early Wonder Beetroot

1 x Great Lakes (Iceburg) Lettuce 

1 x Sugar Snap Bon Peas 

1 x French Breakfast Radish 

1 x Spinach 

1 x Black Cherry Tomatoes


*disclaimer: you are unlikely to see growth within 30 minutes of aimlessly staring at your garden.. but it won't stop us from testing the theory daily!

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